Prof. Dr. Jaewon Jung
School of Business and Economics,
DKU Dankook University
THEMA, CY Cergy Paris University
RWTH Aachen University
Phone: +82-31-8005-3395
Research Interests:
International Economics, International Trade,
Macroeconomics, Applied General Equilibrium (CGE)
Call for Papers (Download)
# Dear colleagues, I am currently serving as the Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Emerging Trends in Global Trade and Policy Dynamics” in the Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ISSN 1911-8074).
I would like to invite you to contribute a research or review article to this issue.
If you have any inquiries, please contact me or the Editorial Office.
# Dear my friends and colleagues, please note that my website has changed from
The research unit of International Production Networks (IPN) at RWTH Aachen University and its research activities continue at the International Economics & Trade Study Group (IETSG).